Open intensive workshop • Sat Nam Rasayan® Open intensive workshop • Sat Nam Rasayan®

Open intensive workshop

20AprGanztägig21Open intensive workshopThemaAusbildung Stufe 1,Ausbildung Stufe 2,Offener WorkshopLehrerSadhu SinghInternationalMadrid (ES)(Ganztägig)

Event Details

Sadhu Singh is the main teacher of the Sat Nam Rasayan school and the one who takes the Level 2 examens.
The courses with Sadhu Singh are open to everybody.
Please inqiure with the course organizers for the language  and translation.

Sadhu Singh is a Sat Nam Rasayan Teacher and a direct disciple of Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh.
He is practicing meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan for more than 30 years.

SNR Level 2 tests might be possible in the evening or on the adjacent days. If you would like to take the level 2 test, please contact the organizer beforehand.


20. April 2024 – 21. April 2024 (Ganztägig)