Re Man Japa Meditation | India & online • Sat Nam Rasayan® Re Man Japa Meditation | India & online • Sat Nam Rasayan®

Re Man Japa Meditation | India & online

25FebGanztägig03MärzRe Man Japa Meditation | India & online6-day Japa meditation | online participation possible ThemaJapa(Ganztägig)

Event Details

Re Man Meditation

Feb 25 – March 3rd, 2024 in Anandpur Sahib / India

online participation is also possible


Every year a large group gathers to recite the Re Man Shabad.
The Shabad comes from the Dasam Granth,
the writings of the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh.

Yogi Bhajan said that reciting the Re Man 11,000 times gives one a „Golden Aura“.

We will sit together and continuosly recite the Re Man Shabad for 7 days until 11,000 repetitions are completed.

The ReMan-Japa is a very intense practice and we want to be sure, that everyone is safe. For this reason we reserve the right to decide if someone may participate or not. If you want to participate for the first time, we kindly ask you to write down a meditation-cv and explain your meditation experiences, including kind of practice and duration as well as your personal daily practice.

TRAVEL: Airplane to New Delhi. From Delhi you can continue by train to Anandpur Sahib or take a domestic flight to CHANDIGARH. If you book the domestic flight with your international ticket, you will be helped if you miss a connection. Also you will have the same baggage allowance, as domestic flights in India often include only 15kg. From Chandigarh Airport take a taxi.

More Japa & Meditation events:

Japa Meditation Retreats – Kundalini Surjhee – Re Man




25. Feb. 2024 – 3. März 2024 (Ganztägig)